Contact us

Victoria Barracks

80-86 Petrie Terrace
Petrie Terrace, QLD, 4000


Mailing address 

Vic Barracks Brisbane 

c/o Enoggera Mail Centre

Enoggera QLD 4051


0429 954 663 (Tours)

For information on donations or artefacts please call 07 3721 4309



If you have any specific questions or enquiries please fill out the form and submit.  We will endeavour to answer your enquiry as soon as possible.



Are you interested in volunteering?

At the Army Museum South Queensland we are always looking for volunteers with time and skills to donate to the enhancement of our museum.  

If you would like more information Call us today on 0429954663

Alternatively download the form today, complete and contact us on the number above to arrange an interview.